3 research outputs found

    Algebraic construction of semi bent function via known power function

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    The study of semi bent functions (2- plateaued Boolean function) has attracted the attention of many researchers due to their cryptographic and combinatorial properties. In this paper, we have given the algebraic construction of semi bent functions defined over the finite field F₂ⁿ (n even) using the notion of trace function and Gold power exponent. Algebraically constructed semi bent functions have some special cryptographical properties such as high nonlinearity, algebraic immunity, and low correlation immunity as expected to use them effectively in cryptosystems. We have illustrated the existence of these properties with suitable examples.Publisher's Versio

    Fuzzy congruence on MΓ−groups

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    In this paper, we consider an algebriac structure MΓ− group, which is a generalization of both the concepts module over a nearring and a gamma nearring, introduced by Satyanarayana [12]. In this paper, we define a fuzzy congruence on MΓ−module and obtain the one-one correspondence between the fuzzy congruences and fuzzy ideals on MΓ−groups. Further, we establish various related results between the congruences and ideals of MΓ−groups.Publisher's Versio